Prosody deals with the pronunciation of vowels. A vowel with an adjacent consonant make a syllable. When speaking we vary the loudness (soft and loud) and the length of a vowel.
In Ancient Greek vowels were divided into long and short, for example omicron is a short o while omega is a long o. The same word can have a different meaning if a vowel is short or long. In Modern Greek although the old spelling is retained vowels are pronounced with equal length and a word can change meaning according to which syllable is stressed.
In some languages the stressing of syllables is important, in others less so. In French the stressed syllable of a word is invariably the last one while in Italian it is the one before the last. In Modern Greek the stress can fall on one of the last three syllables of a word while very long words can have two stressed syllables. Ancient Greeks gave more importance to the length of vowels than to their loudness.
Our voice goes up and down when passing from a stressed to an unstressed vowel. We can align words in such a way that a regularity of tone is produced, thus creating a pleasant effect. This is done in poetry. Ancient Greek poetry is based on the rhythmic patterns produced by the succession of long and short vowels. These patterns are called metrical feet.
Metrical feet
Words are divided to syllables. Lines of verse are divided to metrical feet, each containing 2 to 5 syllables. Below are the various kinds of metrical feet.
Two syllables
Short Short Dibrach (δίβραχυς)
Short Long Iamb (ίαμβος)
Long Short Trochee (τροχαίος)
Long Long Spondee (σπονδείος)
Three syllables
Short Short Short Tribrach (τρίβραχυς)
Long Short Short Dactyl (δάκτυλος)
Short Long Short Amphibrach (αμφίβραχυς)
Short Short Long Anapest (ανάπαιστος)
Short Long Long Bacchius (βάκχειος)
Long Long Short Antibacchius (αντιβάκχειος)
Long Short Long Αmphimacer (αμφίμακρυς)
Long Long Long Molossus (μολοσσός)
Four syllables
Short Short Short Short Tetrabrach (τετράβραχυς), or proceleusmatic
Long Short Short Short First paeon (παίωνπρώτος)
Short Long Short Short Second paeon (παίωνδεύτερος)
Short Short Long Short Third paeon (παίωντρίτος)
Short Short Short Long Fourth paeon (παίωντέταρτος)
Long Long Short Short Major ionic or double trochee
Short Short Longt Long Minor ionic or double iamb
Long Short Long Short Ditrochee (διτροχαίος)
Short Long Short Long Diiamb (διίαμβος)
Long Short Short Long Choriamb (χορίαμβος)
Short Long Long Short Antispast (αντίσπαστος)
Short Long Long Long First epitrite (επίτριτοςπρώτος)
Long Short Long Short Second epitrite (επίτριτοςδεύτερος)
Long Long Short Long Third epitrite (επίτριτοςτρίτος)
Long Long Long Short Fourth epitrite (επίτριτοςτέταρτος)
Long Long Long Long Dispondee (δισπονδείος)